Products: GASTECH
GASTECH Natural Gas Equipment Technologies

GASTECH provides you with a wide range of high-quality products
Gastech is a company operating in the field of design, production and supply of equipment for the uninterrupted and safe transmission, storage and use of natural gas in the energy sector worldwide. Main product groups are filtration, regulation, measurement and control system equipment. Gastech is a competitive Turkish company in the world with our wide product range, quality, price, delivery time and superior after sales services. Although Gastech is a young company, it has a wide experience thanks to its expert staff and technological competence.
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Spring Loaded Gas Regulators

R Series – Threaded Gas Regulators PS: 16bar
Direct drive Gas Pressure Regulators can be in the same Body as the Safety Close Valve, manufactured in accordance with the directives 2014/68/EU and EN 334:2019/EN 14382:2019 standards.
“R” series , diaphragm controlled, spring regulators; suitable for use at low and medium pressures. The “R” series regulators are equipped with internal sensing lines and can be produced with external sensing according to customer requests.
A special regulator design combined with the diaphragm mechanism gave us;
- High flow permeability
- High precision even at maximum flow rate
- 0 leakage even when there is no flowat all
- Accelerated reflexes
- Provides the results of maintenance and repair possibility without dismantling from the pipeline
F Series – Flanged Gas Regulators PS:25bar
Direct drive Gas Pressure Regulators, Combined with Safety Close Valve, manufactured in accordance with 2014/68/EU directives and EN 334:2019 and EN 14382:2019 standards.
“F” series diaphragm controlled, spring regulators with balancing membrane design; suitable for use for low and medium pressures. The “F” series regulators are equipped with external sensing lines and can be designed with internal sensing according to customer requirements. A special regulator design combined with the balancing mechanism gives us;
- High flow permeability
- High precision even at maximum flowrate
- 0 leakage even when there is no flow at all
- Accelerated reflexes
- Provides the results of maintenance and repair possibility without dismantling from the pipeline.

Pilot Operated Gas Regulators

F-P Series – Pilot Controlled Flanged Gas Regulators PS:25bar
Pilot Driven Gas Pressure Regulators, Combined with Safety Close Valve, manufactured in accordance with 2014 / 68 / EU directives and EN 334: 2019 and EN 14382: 2019 standards.
The F-P Series is a pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and high pressure applications. It is suitable for distribution networks for commercial and industrial use, as well as system installation, especially for natural gas distribution. Although there are sudden changes in flow rate, combined with the accuracy of the reduced pressure, the high rate of capacity variability, rapid adaptation to changes in operating conditions, the F-P series regulators are particularly suitable for use in gas supply systems. F Series regulators are in the class that falls under the European standard EN 334: 2019. In operation of these regulators, the F-P series regulators are designed to perform full maintenance without being removed from the main line.
Z-P Series – Pilot Controlled Flanged Gas Regulators PS:50bar
Z series Pilot Driven Gas Pressure Regulators are manufactured in accordance with 2014/68/EU directives and EN 334:2019 and EN 14382:2019 standards, combined with Safety Close Valve.
The Z Series is a pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and high pressure applications. It is suitable for distribution networks for commercial and industrial use, as well as system installation, especially for natural gas distribution. Although there are sudden changes in flow rate, combined with the accuracy of the reduced pressure, the high rate of capacity variability, rapid adaptation to changes in operating conditions, the Z series regulators are particularly suitable for use in gas supply systems. F Series regulators are in the class that falls under the European standard EN 334: 2019. In operation of these regulators, the Z series regulators are designed to be able to perform full maintenance without being removed from the main line.

Gas Filters

GF Series Aluminum Body Pmax:6 bar Gas Filters
Gas Filters are designed and manufactured in accordance with DIN 3840 EN 12516 rules and 2014 / 68 / EU directives.
“GF” series cartridge type filters are designed to hold dust, dirt, rust and other solid particles. It can be used in front of pressure reducing and measuring stations, gas train lines, power plants and combustion control systems. Filters are suitable for filtration of natural gas, LPG and other non-corrosive gases. (DIN 3840 and EN 12516. ). It is designed and manufactured in accordance with the CE directives 2014 / 68 / EU.
- All filters are suitable for outdoor use.
- Easy and fast cartridge changeover.
- High filtration ability and low pressure loss.
- Differential pressure manometer can be installed as an option
GS Series Pmax: 25 bar Gas Filters
GS Series gas filters are designed and manufactured in accordance with DVGW G260, G262 rules and 2014/68/EU directives.
“GS” series cartridge type filters; designed to hold dust, dirt, rust and other solid particles. It can be used in front of pressure reducing and measuring stations, gas train lines, power plants and combustion control systems. The filters are suitable for filtration of natural gas, LPG and other non-corrosive gases. (DVGW Code of Practice G 260 / G 262. ). It is designed and manufactured in accordance with the directives 2014 / 68 / EU.
- All filters are suitable for outdoor use.
- Easy and fast cartridge changeover.
- High filtration ability and low pressure loss.
- Differential pressure manometer can be installed as an option.

Z Series Pmax:50 bar Gas Filters
GS Series gas filters are designed and manufactured in accordance with DVGW G260, G262 rules and 2014/68/EU directives.
”Z” series cartridge type filters are designed to hold dust, dirt, rust and other solid particles. It can be used in front of pressure reducing and measuring stations, gas train lines, power plants and combustion control systems. The filters are suitable for filtration of natural gas, LPG and other non-corrosive gases. (DVGW Code of Practice G 260 / G 262. ). It is designed and manufactured in accordance with the directives 2014 / 68 / EU.
- All filters are suitable for outdoor use.
- Easy and fast cartridge changeover.
- High filtration ability and low pressure loss.
- Differential pressure manometer can be installed as an option.
Solenoid Valves

Hand-Held Solenoid Valves Normally Open or Closed
Hand-held Solenoid valves close the gas in line with the signals from the systems such as gas leak detectors, fire control systems, etc. It is designed and manufactured in accordance with the directives 2014 / 68 / EU.
SV Series Manually Installed Solenoid Valves are designed to shut down the flow of gas in line with signals from a gas leak alarm system, fire detection system or any source that generates an electrical signal. It is installed in the gas pipe and connected with the alarm system. It can be used in indoor and outdoor areas to the atmosphere. When the electric signal comes, the gas flow is turned off, it is necessary to lift the winding crown up to restore the gas flow again. It is designed and manufactured in accordance with the directives 2014 / 68 / EU.
RLT Series Safety Relief Valves
The RLT series of release valves ensure system safety by discharging rising line pressures into the atmosphere for any reason. The RLT series of safety relief valves comply with directives 2014/68/EU. For gases that do not contain nonmetals, it is suitable for use for gases with H2S volume not exceeding 0.1%, gas class 1,2,3 and natural gases.
- Reduces overpressure, even at high flow rates,
- Reacts quickly,
- Easy maintenance,
- Built-in impulse,
- Possibility of adjustment at high pressures,

Safety Shut-Off Valves
Safety Shut-off Valves are designed and manufactured in accordance with 2014 / 68 / EU directives and EN 14382: 2019 standards. When the system pressure rises above and/or below the desired value, it automatically shuts off the gas.